Engr. Chinedu Ekwunife: Our Loss, Heaven’s Gain.
It’s still very hard to accept that you’re gone, and never to return. Death is an inevitable end that we must all reach, however, death in one’s prime and youthfulness is what we always pray against. You shouldn’t die.
The news of your demise came as a thunderbolt to many of us. Why? Because you were merely a young adult, and simply at your youthful age of vibrancy, vigor, tenacity and energy. You were merely getting started. You shouldn’t die.
I remember with nostalgia, that here’s a young man who made distinction in his secondary school leaving certificate examination, WASSC, got admitted to study Engineering at the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka from where he graduated with class, attaining again, a first class and made it to the Vice Chancellor’s Honors list. You shouldn’t die.
Chinedu Ekwunife was a home boy. He was aware of his roots, and always fell back at his home and origin with pride. Mr. Ekwunife has eyes for success, and was remarkably on that path to excel in virtually all his undertakings.
His vibrancy and energy was something else. He shouldn’t die. The Ekwunife’s are very dedicated Christians. The family is remarkably known for their unparalleled faith in God. Their mum was a deeply religious woman. They always fall back at God’s altar, and resort to faith at all times. They pray without loosing hope, and wait for the miracles that comes from their input as hardwork. He shouldn’t die.
I’m saddened. We are all heartbroken. We wouldn’t question or fight God. We can only resign to faith and take hope in the promise of the resurrection with Christ on the last day. God giveth, and when he so wills, he takes back. All glory returns to him. He shouldn’t die.
In faraway United Kingdom, the cold arms of death reached him and stole him away from us. The novel Corona Virus, Covid-19 threw a monstrous punch at him, and got him. He fell for it, fought it head-on and was on the recovery verge before he drew his last breath. It’s really heartbreaking. He shouldn’t die.
Chinedu Ekwunife was only 35years, got married two years ago after dad’s burial and has now left behind his dear wife, a daughter, his mother and siblings to mourn his demise. How would they cope without him. He shouldn’t die.
Covid-19 has dealt a terrible blow on us, and its cold hands has stolen Chinedu away from us. All that youthfulness, that zest, that energy, that education, that quality, that Anambra premiumness in him – all gone, lost to death and Corona Virus. He shouldn’t die.
We would mourn him today at Nibo, Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria. His final interment would happen in Great Britain. He shouldn’t die
Engr. Chinedu Akachi Ekwunife may be no more, but he lives in our soul and mind. He has left behind sweet memories. It’s our huge loss, and heaven’s gain. He shouldn’t die.
May heavens bless and repose his soul.
Tobenna Obiano.